Thursday 30 April 2015

Easy Breezy Swing Dress (or The Perks of Not Being a Covergirl)

One of the best things about being a fashion blogger is that you get to feel like a model. 

Not in the runway-walking, super thin and serious kind of way. In the sense that you get to be in the spotlight for a while, which can feel rather nice. Then the bonus of being a blogger is that you get to pick your own awesome outfit and see it brought to life on your own body. You have control over your location, poses and you can even give the photographer direction (especially if he's your boyfriend). Finally, after the fun's over, you get to write about it all.

Don't get me wrong, it's not all breezy and beautiful. After every photo shoot I sift through the images of myself and find about a million flaws and those unpleasant facial expressions that always seem to get caught by the camera. But then I just take a deep breath in and remember that I'm not Kendall Jenner and that's totally okay.

Now moving on to the outfit featured in this post! The dress arrived at my door about ten minutes before these photos were taken, so obviously I had to wear it immediately. But I wasn't planning on walking out into the cold with even a shred of bare skin. Thus, my ridiculously easy steps for a basic winter ready outfit were born:

1. Start with with a long sleeve dress (preferably wooly). The one I'm wearing is from Missguided, a steal at only $30.
2. Put some stockings on underneath (thickness should increase as the temperature decreases).
3. Grab the all important winter b's: boots and a beanie. Also, if appropriate, match your lipstick to your beanie cos that's the way you roll. 
4. Add chunky necklace if the dress is a simple one like mine.
5. Chuck a big coat on top and you're good to go! (coat not pictured in this post because, well, I need a new one)

My final piece of advice is, don't be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there (in front of the lens). Who knows? Maybe the camera will find an angle that you never knew existed.

Dress | Missguided
Beanie | Sportsgirl
Boots | Sportsgirl
Necklace | A gorgeous little stall in the Queen Vitoria Markets 
in Melbourne that I can't for the life of me find the name of!

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