Monday 2 February 2015

That Time We Stayed on a Farm

It almost hurts how much I miss our little getaway in Berry.

Maybe it's being back in the city (which I do love, don't get me wrong) and back to the daily grind of work and responsibilities. Or maybe it's the lack of greenery here and the air that you don't quite realise isn't completely fresh until you get to the country. Most of all though, I think it was the freedom that we felt while we were there. 

We stayed on a property called Back 2 Earth, run by a lovely couple, Jenny and Marc. They were such an interesting pair, full of stories about their animals and their experiences as raw vegans. They both fully endorse the lifestyle, as well as the incorporation of superfoods. 

While many are greatly sceptical of the superfood trend, this couple swears by it. And I have to say, after a day of raw vegan food packed with goji berries, chia seeds, cacao powder and more, our insides felt pretty damn good. We were also surprised at how much energy we had. 

So now, back home, I'm researching about the wonder of these so-called superfoods and learning how easy they are to incorporate into daily life. 

Our yummy breakfast

Another thing we loved about the farm was the animals. Zac the miniature horse was the boss of all the goats, sheep and alpacas, as well as his daughter, Buttercup. Pegusus the goat was an escape artist whose life pursuit was climbing over the fence to get into the duck pen and eat their food. The alpacas were just plain adorable, but scary (we didn't want them to spit at us). 

We would feed the animals once in the morning and once at night, and besides that, there wasn't much else we had to do. So enter books, board games, the occasional movie and a wonderful massage by Marc. 

By now you probably tell why we miss it there so much. But we'll be back for sure, for many reasons, but one of the most important being that I need more homemade cashew cheese in my life. 

                                                                                                                     Pegasus the goat being greedy 
                                                                                      (there's lot's of grass on your side too silly!)

Mmm kale garden

Our adorable lodge

                                    Zac says hi!

I would like this to be my view everyday please. Thanks.

Farm & Accommodation:
Back 2 Earth

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