Wednesday 23 September 2015

Don't Forget To Stop & Smell the Flowers

It’s amazing how quickly us human beings can get used to new things. A change in season, a change in routine, even a situation that we’ve been dreading. I often look back on something that was stressing me out months ago and realise that I’m dealing with it right now as if it’s completely normal.

Nowadays, time is passing ridiculously fast. I’m not the only one that feels that way, right? I’m not sure if it’s a symptom of growing older or if the earth is actually spinning faster without anyone noticing. Or maybe it's because our lives are getting busier, like we’re trying to see how much we can cram in before we crack. Being busy is not a necessarily bad thing, on the contrary, I think it’s nice to keep occupied, preferably with things we enjoy - although that’s often an ideal that doesn’t fit in with reality. It's when our obligations begin to far outweigh our desires that real problems can arise.

So, in this hectic world, sometimes we need to remember to just STOP and smell the flowers. I mean that not only figuratively, but literally as well. Flowers are awesome. They’re a sign of life, of spring and the warmer weather to come. But flowers or no flowers, I think it's important just to take a few minutes out for yourself every day to do something that makes you smile, or clears your head. Find joy in the little things, so the big things don’t become so overwhelming.

Well, that's enough mushy reflections for one post! For me, one of the things I've really come to enjoy is writing this blog and sharing photos with you, so without further ado, here are some that I'm quite proud of. 

Playsuit | MISHKAH
Shoes | Glassons
Necklace | Sportsgirl
Bracelet | Kookai
Rings | Glue Store 
Watch | The Horse

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